Cooking, washing and cleaning. There's often not enough time left after work for me to relax. Home Connect appliances help me to make my life easier and give me more time to do the things I love. They don't just help me either, they are also fun when my friends come round.

Fruit and vegetables with a wine rack in a Kochhaus shop.

"Cooking for friends is just so easy"

I love cooking for my friends and experimenting with new dishes. I particularly like to visit Kochhaus for these occasions. It's not just an app, it's an actual shop too. "That's where I get my inspiration for numerous recipes and also where I can buy all the ingredients directly in the right quantities. To make sure nothing goes wrong during the preparation at home, I can send the cooking times and temperature of my chosen recipe direct to my Home Connect oven through my smartphone. That way, every dish is a guaranteed success. I love it – and my friends do too.

With a smart Home Connect oven, this delicious salmon practically cooks itself.

"Cooking for friends is just so easy"

I love cooking for my friends and experimenting with new dishes. I love taking inspiration from the recipes in the Home Connect app. And to make sure nothing goes wrong during the preparation at home, I can send the cooking times and temperature of my chosen recipe direct to my Home Connect oven on my smartphone. That way, every dish is a guaranteed success. I love it – and my friends do too.

A woman checking the fridge contents using the Home Connect app.

"There's no magic involved – I can look into my fridge without having to open the door"

From the aperitifs to the food: I always make a real effort when my friends come round. I often organise nibbles, flowers and prepare a delicious aperitif. Sometimes I'm standing in the drinks aisle in the supermarket and I can't remember how much Prosecco I have left in the fridge. A quick glance at my Home Connect app tells me. It is connected to the cameras inside my fridge and lets me check the contents even when I'm out.

"The right recipe for the ingredients I have in stock"

A good meal should also have a good dessert. This where the Home Connect app comes in. It inspires me with international and national recipes. In honour of the Obon Festival in Japan, which is on right now, I find a Japanese cheesecake that I want to make. The best bit is that the Home Connect app sends the cooking times and temperatures direct to my oven.

Various types of coffee on a table.

"Home Connect helps me become a top barista"

After dinner, my friends and I always look forward to the rest of the evening. We discover new coffees together. We are inspired by the Home Connect Coffee World. Bettina likes Australian flat white coffee best, Lena doesn’t like it quite so hot, Caro prefers decaf and Laura enjoys trying out different coffees every time. With the Home Connect app, I can record all these requests and send them directly to my coffee machine.

"Unwind and switch off – it couldn't be easier"

When I want to unwind in the evening, I love getting into bed with a book. My eyes get heavy, I put the book down and switch off the light. But the control freak in me is asking "Have I switched off the oven?". Luckily I no longer need to get up to find out – I simply open my Home Connect app and check whether everything is switched off.

A woman lying in bed with her smartphone.
Friends sitting together, laughing and drinking wine.

"Home Connect gives me the freedom to try new things and to surprise my friends again and again."

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"You are never too old to learn something new"

"If you want to impress others, you have to surprise them"

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